You have a cold and your sinuses hurt, your face and brow hurt, its horrible
You have an earache its horrible you hurt.
You have a sore throat it hurts
This oil blend has been created to help you feel better, it takes some of the pain and discomfort away whilst the oils work on your body to help clear this problem up.
Earache ~you massage the oil around the ears including behind them and around the glands
Sinus problems ~ you massage the oil across the forehead, down the side of the nose and across the bridge of the nose
Sore throat ~ massage the oil around the throat and gland area
Can be used in children 6 months plus
Warning ~ If you have earache then see a doctor this is not substitute for the attention you need from a doctor however antibiotics take 48hrs to work and you are in pain and discomfort ~ this oil is good for that (saves just popping pills) If you feel you may be getting earache start using this straight away ~ you may never get the full earache that way.